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Pelvic Balance Physical Therapy Blog Posts

What Should I Expect During A Pelvic Floor Evaluation?

Scheduling an appointment with a pelvic floor therapist can feel a bit daunting, especially when dealing with personal concerns like bladder leakage or urgency, bowel leakage or urgency, painful intercourse, or prolapse symptoms. Many people don’t know what to expect during their initial evaluation so here is an idea of how an evaluation at Pelvic Balance...

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What is hard flaccid and how can pelvic floor PT help treat it?

Doug is a 25-year-old male who has enjoyed a history of rather rigorous masturbation and partner intimacy. He has always strived to achieve the firmest erection and most intense orgasm possible. About 6 months ago, Doug noticed difficulty with achieving a full erection. That progressed to an increased firmness in the penis when he was not aroused along with reduced...

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Anatomy 101 for HIM


Understanding Male Anatomy for a Healthy and Fulfilling Sex Life

Listen On Apple Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sex-on-the-floor/id1579962246

Watch On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@sexonthefloorpodcast


In the realm of sexual and pelvic floor health, understanding male anatomy is crucial for both those who have a penis as well as their...

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